Who Is She?

Hi everyone, I’m Jenna the owner and CEO of Jenology.

Some of you may know this, but for those who do not, I used to be a Registered Nurse. I started my training back in 2003 at Glasgow Caledonian University. I absolutely LOVED my career, my vocation, and my calling. My last post was THE dream post, working as a trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner in a General Practice with the most phenomenal team and the nicest patients I have ever come across!

I was poorly following the birth of my eldest daughter in 2012 but was fobbed off by my doctors for years. They blamed my tiredness, brain fog, fatigue, and back pain on being a new mum. They sent me on my way with a co-codamol prescription. Things marginally improved but my symptoms never fully disappeared. The doctors were happy to continue me on strong codeine - FOR YEARS!

I was knocked for six in 2015 when I was pregnant with my second daughter. My back and pelvis pain was so severe I was on crutches, attending weekly physiotherapy, and even received reflexology on the NHS. I had to be induced early due to the state I was in. The brain fog and lethargy began to intensify and I also began experiencing migraines for the first time and other mysterious symptoms such as high temperatures and tremors. Again, the doctors pawned me off saying that I was bound to be feeling off as my husband was working away from home midweek, so I was solo parenting a 3-year-old and a newborn. Inevitably, the anxiety and depression set in and I began to experience panic attacks and negative and intrusive thoughts.

I was still working as a Registered Nurse in Accident and Emergency. It was there that I began experiencing palpitations and extremely slow heart rate and was admitted into Cardiology with a heart monitor. They couldn’t find any reason for my heart symptoms, despite it registering on the monitors. This is where my journey of diagnosis began.

I was sent to all relevant departments to be assessed - I was even under the care of Infectious Diseases! You honestly couldn’t write it. The Infectious Diseases doctor eventually referred me to Rheumatology who diagnosed me with Fybromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was prescribed an obscene amount of pain killers which resulted in me needing other medications to combat the side effects. I was seen by a counselor and had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which helped slightly. Things still progressed and my symptoms got worse.

My back pain was unbearable and I began developing problems with my hands and fingers. I was experiencing severe swelling, redness, pain, and stiffness in the affected joints. Again, my GP let me down and brushed things under the carpet. I took matters into my own hands and I paid for a private consultation with the man who would soon turn into my Knight in Shining Armour. He listened, he examined and he saw what I saw. He was flabbergasted at how many times I was pawned off regarding my back. You see, my back was a sign, my back had autoimmune arthritis! This doctor became my Rheumatology consultant and if it wasn’t for him I’d hate to think what all my joints would be like today! I was diagnosed with a condition called axial spondyloarthritis, an autoimmune disease in 2019.

I was given multiple steroid injections, both intramuscularly and directly into the affected joints. I was in the middle of my Master’s in Advanced Practice so I was really adamant that I didn’t want to go on to any immunosuppressants. I was determined to qualify and I was eager for my new post as an Advance Nurse Practitioner (ANP) - I loved the autonomy! Little did I know that the joints in my hands would flare up so much that I couldn’t complete tasks in my role as a Practice Nurse and trainee ANP. I had to admit defeat, I had to be commenced on some nasty, toxic drug.

Methotrexate tablets were initially prescribed, methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug, given to people with certain autoimmune conditions in a much lower dose over a much longer period, than those with cancer. The tablets made me ill. I was sick as a dog and bed bound. I had to take six tiny methotrexate tablets on a Monday night and by Tuesday morning I was vomiting until Friday evening. I literally had a 2 day week! I was prescribed anti-sickness tablets, but nothing seemed strong enough to curb the vomiting. Eventually, I lost a large amount of weight, I was around 7 stone, bearing in mind that I’m 5ft 6” this was far, far too unhealthy. I was then commenced on methotrexate injections. These were better, but I had to inject myself every Monday and every Tuesday and Wednesday was always a right off.

There wasn’t much improvement in my joints and so I was assessed for biologics - these injections cost the NHS a whopping amount of money and so they are means tested. I was quickly commenced on Adalimumab - these injections were taken bi-weekly alongside the Methotrexate. The biologics were a breeze compared to the chemo.

The pandemic hit not long after, and it was not safe for me to return to my work. My joints were better on my hands at this point and my back felt AMAZING. However, inflammatory arthritis had spread to my ankle and foot. I was started on another immunosuppressant drug called sulfasalazine, so at that point when the pandemic was rife I was on three medications that combined completely obliterated my immune system. I was now neutropenic. Things got depressing again, I was bed bound, I had been off my work now for months and months and I was on zero pay, this was my perfect storm. With a heavy heart, I handed in my notice and took myself off the Nursing and Midwifery Council Register - how could I ever go back to my calling in the new world that we all now live in? I had no immune system and there were people dying all over the world from covid. My life, as I knew it was crumbling right in front of my eyes. I thought I was going to die. If I didn’t have my girls, I can say, hand on my heart that given the chance, I would have let myself slip away.

I decided to take things into my own hands and found myself down a rabbit hole of holistic health / self-help / spiritual practices mine field. I took what resonated and left the rest. This is where I would find my now mentor Noor Hibbert. This lady helped me, more than she will ever know. I am so eternally grateful for her teachings in mindset and manifestation. Utilising my medical knowledge and my newfound knowledge there was a whole lot of trial and error, but eventually, I found the perfect combination. I started to feel better. Initially from the inside - please don’t be fooled - mental health in my opinion is far more important than the physical. Slowly but surely my joints began to feel lubricated - the stiffness had vanished, the brain fog lifted - I could think so clearly now. One by one my symptoms vanished.

Whilst I was improving I continued taking my injections and concoction of about 15 tablets and I must admit, for a split second I thought that it must have been a combination of everything. but, then I’d inject myself with the neon yellow chemo and would be so ill the next day. These medications had to go! One by one I dropped the meds, first to go was the etodolac, then the omeprazole (prescribed for the side effects of etodolac). I would say probably half the tablets I was on were to counteract side effects! Eventually, there were no more pills to take except the folic acid and the anti-sickness - these were both needed for the Methotrexate. I stopped all 3 in one go and continued on the biologics for a few weeks - I was scared to let go of it. Well, I took my last biologic injection on Tuesday the 27th of April 2021 - I bloody wish I had done it sooner! As of writing this blog post, I am one day shy of 69 weeks in remission!

Western medicine is like a bandaid, unfortunately, constantly prescribing medications for symptoms, and prescriptions for side effects. It’s a vicious cycle that just doesn’t cut the mustard. We need to find the root cause not put a plaster over symptoms. Now, before the hate police come after me, I do know that Western medicine does have a place, but let’s face it, there’s room for improvement!

So here we are back in the present day and I am here, ready waiting for you to come and let me help you. I have helped many others with conditions such as eczema, IBS, thyroid issues, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even mysterious symptoms that doctors can’t put their fingers on.

Big Love

Jenna xx

Jenna Hastie

Jenna, a former nurse with a remarkable personal journey, is a beacon of hope in the realm of holistic wellness. Having battled and conquered autoimmune and chronic illnesses, she brings invaluable insights to her role as a root cause specialist. After hitting rock bottom, Jenna delved into the intricacies of mind, body, and soul, uncovering the reversible root causes of her conditions. Her journey led to remission without medication or immunosuppressants, and now she shares her wisdom to guide others on a similar path. With a proven 3D healing method , Jenna empowers individuals to heal their mind, body, and soul and experience life-changing results. Her mission is to inspire transformation and offer a roadmap to lasting well-being.


Exercise Is Not The Enemy!