How My Journey Began

Jenna Hastie is the founder and CEO of Jenology. She specialises in coaching women with chronic disease, mystery illness and autoimmune conditions from all over the world. Jenna helps them holistically get to the root cause of their symptoms by teaching the 3D Healing Method, which she created to heal herself of autoimmunity, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Jenna qualified as a Registered Nurse in 2006 and excelled in both Emergency and Primary Care Medicine. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic and her autoimmune disease, Jenna had to walk away from her 14-year-long career in nursing.

After the birth of her first daughter, Jenna began experiencing lower back pain, brain fog and lethargy. Her doctors prescribed codeine for the pain and stated that her symptoms were related to pregnancy and being a first-time mum. Fast forward to 2015, her second daughter came along. Jenna developed even more mysterious symptoms and was sent to every speciality in the hospital in search of a diagnosis. Finally, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia were diagnosed, but her health continued to deteriorate. It was not until 2019 that she received the news that she also had an autoimmune disease – Spondyloarthritis and was told it was incurable and she would have to take medications for life.

Jenna was bedridden and very poorly, taking at least fifteen tablets per day and injecting herself with chemotherapy weekly and biologics biweekly. She genuinely thought she was going to die, she had depression, anxiety, and life just seemed too much. Looking at her two beautiful daughters, Jenna decided to do her own research and give life one last chance.

On the 27th April 2023, Jenna will celebrate two years of being in remission from all her chronic diseases. She is now pain-free and no longer takes any medication. Jenna is living her best life, a life that she never thought was hers for the taking, and now she is ready to help you achieve the same!

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What People Are Saying

Healing comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.